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How we helped TELUS simplify Support to reduce costs and improve the customer experience.


  • Strategic planning
  • Co-design workshops
  • UX research & design
  • User interface design
  • Usability Testing
  • Web development
  • Contentful development
  • Measurement strategy

The brief.

When TELUS Digital needed to optimize their online Support experience, Power Shifter conducted a design and technology overhaul, which resulted in a 30% drop in call centre volume and a cost savings of over $600,000 in the first year.

Three years later, TELUS underwent a company-wide design system change. Although they increased their online support articles, there was no governance around how these assets were written or categorized, making it difficult for customers to find the information they needed.

with an average cost of
per customer service call, it is not surprising to see organizations invest in comprehensive online self-serve experiences.

as call centre volumes began to rise again, Power Shifter stepped in to streamline the customer experience.

The solution.

A powerfully simple redesign. Power Shifter designed an entirely new user experience that made it easier than ever for customers to find support content across touch points, including through pages outside of TELUS Support. The new design included an enhanced way of guiding users through the Support experience, updated categorization, and improved article readability.

behind the build.

Creating a powerful user experience for customers was important. Alongside this, TELUS needed a well-structured and flexible technological solution for content stakeholders. Contentful checked all the boxes and simplified the complex process of migrating thousands of articles from their legacy CMS.

content strategy.

The growing TELUS Content team had multiple product owners responsible for updates. To optimize and scale the content strategy, we culled and organized existing content and created a comprehensive governance program.

more customers solved their issues by accessing the website
reduced overall Customer Support costs and 9% fewer Support visitors to the ‘Contact Us’ page

The outcome.

The initial TELUS Support improvement enabled 30% more customers to solve their issues by accessing the website. Over 70% of Support section visitors who came from 'Contact Us' no longer returned to that page, indicating that they had successfully resolved their problem online.

The optimization built upon these numbers and reduced the overall support costs by 9%, decreased Support visitors to the 'Contact Us' page by 9%, and increased article traffic by 17%. With our simplified experience, content and governance strategy, and robust platform, we saved customers a call for help for years to come.

“The calibre of talent at Power Shifter is truly impressive. Having them as part of my team lets me handle communications and stakeholder management on the project with the peace of mind that my Scrum Master, Developers, Designers, and Data Analysts (Power Shifter team) have the rest of the project details and deliverables under control and operating at the highest quality. I couldn't ask for a better, higher performing team.”

Samantha Bahrini
Product Manager
TELUS Digital